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Beacon Solutions

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     It’s tough getting noticed on the Web, and I mean it “Its Really Really tough to get noticed on the Web”. Consider this scenario, you have a existing or a new business and get yourself a website, only to realise if all the resources that went into making one is hardlypaying you back, or worse you yourself find it difficult to find your website without knowing your URL (the thing that looks like http://beacon-solutions.in)

     A Web site can provide useful information about a popular subject or provide the most relevant information your target audience is in need of and is also interactive and engrossing, yet still attract few or no visitors. The key problem is not showing high up on search engine return pages (SERPs, the pages you see after clicking search on Google for example).

The web keeps throwing up a 3 digit number, a quick reference to interpret them, the following is a ready reference to interpret these numbers (and pinpoint the source of these errors)

Here is a compilation of the Error Codes and what they mean

This article is from :


This is a notice to all developers / webmasters. Check your site to see if you have any extensions installed from Autson.com AKA iNowWeb.com AKA Plimun.com (possibly more).

Extensions from this developer/company contain malicious code that fetches a file from their server and inserts it into your site. Right now they are inserting hidden backlinks to their Payday L0ans website, which is terrible in itself as this practice can affect YOUR Google rankings, but they also have the ability to insert whatever code they like and do can whatever they like to your website. This is a huge security vulnerability. As such, the extensions have been removed from the JED, but they are still on tens of thousands of websites.

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