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Sukla M C

Sukla M C

Śukla is a Serial Entrepreneur with a strong understanding of various business and technology verticals. A Hobby Photographer, a Long Distance Runner and much more …

Website URL: http://sukla.in

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a widely implemented model for managing a Business’s interactions with customers, clients, and sales prospects. It involves using technology not only to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes like marketing & sales activities, but also those for customer service, and technical support.

The overall goal(s) of a CRM is to find, attract and win new clients; nurture and retain those the company already has; entice former clients back; and to reduce the costs of marketing and client service.

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This is a notice to all developers / webmasters. Check your site to see if you have any extensions installed from Autson.com AKA iNowWeb.com AKA Plimun.com (possibly more).

Extensions from this developer/company contain malicious code that fetches a file from their server and inserts it into your site. Right now they are inserting hidden backlinks to their Payday L0ans website, which is terrible in itself as this practice can affect YOUR Google rankings, but they also have the ability to insert whatever code they like and do can whatever they like to your website. This is a huge security vulnerability. As such, the extensions have been removed from the JED, but they are still on tens of thousands of websites.

A good thing that CHROME has a built in DNS cache that allows it to speed up loading of pages. This also means that my DNS servers updating is not sufficient at times, i need to clear CHROME's Cache too, here is a way where you could do this :-


If you really needed this info, guess you are already equipped to take it from here. just enter the above in the Unibox and get going ;-)

Did not work ?? Well your OS still had some records in its cache her's a few more tricks

For windows

ipconfig /flushdns

for the internet ;-)


 Very very useful during the time you set a long TTL value and want to push that site live fast / move a server / have any DNS change

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